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    Gender Dysphoria

    Gender Dysphoria

    Gender Dysphoria

    Gender Dysphoria 1024 683 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

    Gender dysphoria is a phenomenon that has become more and more popular in recent years. While the problem affects many people and is nothing new, it has been largely ignored in the past. What exactly is dysphoria? This is a situation in which biological sex does not coincide with psychological gender. Read our article to find out what the symptoms of gender dysphoria are, what it can result from, and what to do when the problem is with ourselves or our loved ones.

    Gender dysphoria - what is it?

    In short, gender dysphoria is a condition in which the patient does not feel identified with his biological sex and is accompanied by constant discomfort associated with it. A person who struggles with dysphoria wants a different gender, may have an aversion to their body, fantasize about being of a different gender, and choose activities and professions that are unique to those of the opposite sex. Sexual dysphoria may appear at the early stages of development and accompany the patient from an early age. In fact, many children have transition stages where they identify with a different gender. In a small number of the youngest, such a state may be continuous, repetitive and not disappear – then we are dealing with dysphoria.

    Diagnosis of dysphoria

    A person’s gender identity is formed around the age of 3. A child of around 6 years of age, on the other hand, is fully sexually developed. The gender with which he then identifies himself does not change over the course of his life. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s classification of mental disorders, DSM-5, published on May 18, 2013, there are as many as six basic criteria for the diagnosis of gender dysphoria:

    1. The occurrence of inconsistencies between the perceived gender and sexual characteristics.
    2. A strong desire to get rid of one’s sexual characteristics dictated by their inconsistency with the perceived gender.
    3. Strong desire to have the sexual characteristics of the other sex.
    4. Strong desire to be of the opposite sex or alternate sex.
    5. A strong desire to be treated as the opposite sex or alternate sex.
    6. A strong belief that you have feelings and reactions that are typical of the other sex or the alternate sex.

    How to help a person with gender dysphoria?

    Although the problem of gender dysphoria has been underestimated for many years and has been a taboo subject in many different circles, today it is discussed more and more often, and society’s awareness of the existence of gender disorders is growing. We are also less and less often dealing with downplaying or hiding dysphoria. In many cases, the problem is recognized at an early age, so that faster help is possible.

    If dysphoria is suspected, the most important thing is to support and accept your loved one, regardless of their age. Covering up a problem of shame or fear can lead to serious psychological problems such as anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm, depression and even suicide attempts. It is worth remembering that a transsexual person has no influence on their condition and cannot return to identification with their biological sex.

    How to help a person with gender dysphoria?

    Although the problem of gender dysphoria has been underestimated for many years and has been a taboo subject in many different circles, today it is discussed more and more often, and society’s awareness of the existence of gender disorders is growing. We are also less and less often dealing with downplaying or hiding dysphoria. In many cases, the problem is recognized at an early age, so that faster help is possible.

    If dysphoria is suspected, the most important thing is to support and accept your loved one, regardless of their age. Covering up a problem of shame or fear can lead to serious psychological problems such as anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm, depression and even suicide attempts. It is worth remembering that a transsexual person has no influence on their condition and cannot return to identification with their biological sex.

    Transsexualism and the help of a sexologist

    Since the problem of gender dysphoria is widely covered in the media, people who struggle with it more often seek advice from a sexologist. Also in the case of young children, parents are willing to look for a solution to the problem, which significantly increases the psychological comfort of patients.

    The first step in case of suspicion of transsexualism is undoubtedly a visit to an experienced sexologist who specializes in gender identification problems. It is important not to underestimate the problem and not to postpone the therapy. The sooner you become aware of your problem or show support to a loved one struggling with dysphoria, the sooner the appropriate treatment will be implemented.

    Prepare for a visit to a sexologist

    Advice from a sexologist is not terrible. You don’t really have to prepare for it in any particular way. The most important thing is to honestly answer his questions during the meeting with a specialist and not hide anything. Only in this way will the sexologist be able to fully understand the problem and propose an appropriate therapy. A sexologist may ask many different questions during a therapy session, including those about very private and intimate topics. However, it is not worth stressing yourself – the sexologist asks them to help, not to judge.

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