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Sexual Addiction 1024 768 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

Sexual Addiction

Definition of sexual addiction Sexual addiction (also known as sex addiction) is a disease in which a person feels a compulsion of sexual behavior (in particular, compulsion to have sexual intercourse, however, it can be, e.g. compulsive masturbation, frequent watching pornography, etc.), despite the negative consequences of these behaviors – their destructive impact on emotional…

Przedwczesny wytrysk
Premature Ejaculation 1024 672 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (Latin eiaculatio praecox) is a situation when a man experiences orgasm and ejaculates with only minimal stimulation of the penis and shortly after the beginning of this stimulation. There is no single definition of what “soon” means, but the International Society for Sexual Medicine states that premature ejaculation always or almost always occurs…

Jak osiągnąć lub odzyskać szczęście?
How to Achieve or Regain Happiness? 1024 747 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

How to Achieve or Regain Happiness?

How to achieve happiness? Who among us does not ask this question? Unfortunately, there is no universal answer. Each of us is different and therefore happiness is something different for each of us. Happiness Happiness is an emotion caused by experiences that a person assesses as positive. It can be a momentary feeling, but also…

Problemy z wytryskiem
Ejaculation Problems 1024 684 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

Ejaculation Problems

Ejaculation problems and erection problems are the most common sexual problems in men. However, while the invention of Viagra significantly facilitated the management of erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems are still as common as before. In this article we will try to discuss the different types of ejaculation disorders and methods of treatment. Types of ejaculation…

Problemy z erekcją
Erection Problems 1024 678 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

Erection Problems

Are erection problems really only affect older men? Erectile dysfunction is a sexological problem that is one of the most commonly reported by men of all ages around the world. In Europe most often the erection problems are reported by the British and Belgians (13%), followed by the Spaniards, Italians and Poles (8%). In turn,…

How to Improve Your Sex Life Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

How to Improve Your Sex Life

Sexuality is one of the key aspects of human life, both physically and mentally. Successful intercourse is fundamental to achieving life satisfaction. The lack of sexual intercourse or deficiencies of it can negatively affect life satisfaction as such. How to improve your sex life? There are some relatively simple ways that you can try for…

Sexuality 1024 683 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"


Sexuality is an innate and natural function of our body. It motivates us to establish relationships with other people. It is of fundamental importance in human life, both in the biological and psychological dimension, as well as for functioning in society. Mental and physical aspects of sexuality The easiest way to describe human sexuality is…

Jak odnaleźć w sobie motywację?
How to Get Motivated 1024 684 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

How to Get Motivated

Motivation is something that drives us to act, gives us a goal – a goal that we care about. Motivation is the reason for our actions, expectations and needs. Motivation can also be seen as a cycle in which thoughts affect behavior, behavior translates into action, and action affects thought and the cycle begins again.…

Emotions 1024 704 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"


Emotions appear in situations that are important to us, as a result of which we feel emotional arousal. They are characterized by an increase of muscle tension, intensification of mental processes, increased pulse, accelerated breathing, sweating. Emotions can reach a high intensity, but they are temporary and subside. Finally, and very importantly, emotions can be…

Jak pozbyć się lęku?
How to Get Rid of Anxiety 1024 683 Psycholog Seksuolog Warszawa - Poradnia "HARMONIA"

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

What is anxiety? How to distinguish it from fear? Fear is a natural congenital emotion that occurs in an emergency. Formerly it served as a stimulus to take the appropriate action: fight or flight. It appears in specific situations in our lives. Anxiety, however, has its source in internal experiences. It is a stronger emotion…

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